Sunday, December 5, 2010

Some Reasons to Own Numismatic Gold Coins

Numismatic gold coins have many benefits which attract buyers like bees to honey.
The first benefit is that numismatic coins of gold give their owners peace of mind and wealth security as they are considered hard assets. They have been proven time and time again in mankind’s history of economic fluctuations. Owners of numismatic gold coins do not see a decline of their wealth when adverse economic conditions come into play on the global economy scene. Paper investments quickly succumb to the adverse economic conditions with a correlating value decline as was seen in the Great Depression of the 1930s, again in the 1970s high inflation and the recent crisis of subprime loans.

The next benefit is that there is an amazing return on numismatic gold coins as the supply of such coins is limited due to President Roosevelt’s stop production order in 1933. Such rare coins were no longer produced or minted at the US Treasury, resulting in limited pieces. Moreover, with the factors of wear and loss, numismatic gold coins have seen an incredible increase in their demand. In simple economic terms, when supply decreases with an increased demand, the numismatic gold coin value increases.

The third benefit is that numismatic gold coins are able to shield you against any public scrutiny of your wealth. There is a form of protection on your personal financial standing which diverts prying eyes. Many people, not just Americans, wish to keep their financial condition private and numismatic gold achieves that objective easily as its trading generates no reports of buy or sell operations to anyone other than the broker. No social security number is required to transact numismatic gold which will provide any authority or individual with information of your acquired wealth.

The fourth benefit is that numismatic gold has protected its owners from gold confiscations of the past. From history, President Roosevelt passed a law in 1933 which required all gold bullion to be returned to the US government; owning gold was considered an outlaw act between 1933 and 1974. In 1963, President Kennedy made it illegal to own gold outside of America too.

However, gold ownership was allowed again in 1974 with the president reserving the right to outlaw the act at anytime. Hence, it was quite risky to buy gold during that period of time for it could be seized by the government at any time the president recalled the legalization of gold ownership.

In contrast, numismatic gold coins have been exempted from all laws and regulations of ownership; thus, it became clear that one way to protect wealth was to own numismatic gold.