Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Advantage of Owning Rare Gold Coins

United States rare gold coins offer advantages for their buyers that are hard for any other asset to match. To first understand the advantages of rare gold coins, you have to understand what makes gold have a rarity that is sought after by collectors.

Rare gold coins consist of minted gold by the United States from 1795 to 1933. It was in 1795 that the mint in Philadelphia first starting minting gold to be used as currency. This practice ended in 1933.

What makes gold coins rare are twofold? The first reason is that the Federal Government has confiscated gold on three separate occasions. The first recall of gold came in 1830s when the issue was that the gold content of each coin did not match is face value. During the Civil War many US gold coins were melted down as the price of gold had more value in overseas markets. The last confiscation came in 1933 when President Franklin Roosevelt made it illegal to own gold as a private citizen and that all gold be turned over to the Treasury Department. The second aspect of rarity is simply the age of the coins which has led to lost coins and coins that are not in a mint enough condition to be attractive to collectors.

Advantages of Owning Rare Gold Coins

Over the long term rare coins or numismatic gold coins have outperformed gold bullion coins do to their added demand by collectors, plus their inherent gold content.

Gold is the one asset that has a tract record that goes back over 5,000 years. When there was no US dollar or Euro there was gold to use as a means of trade for goods and services. Rare gold coins still offer the same value do to their gold content.

One key aspect to buying rare gold coins is they are considered a private position in gold. There is no paper trail making rare coins a more financially private matter. The Federal Government still reserves the right to confiscate gold in private hands again. The one caveat to this is rare gold coins which have made them exempt from government confiscation.

For added diversification, gold including rare gold coins prices move up or down typically different then paper investment and other assets. What typically makes the stock market go down in value increases the value of gold coins?

One interesting aspect to rare gold coins that no other form of currency can state is that the exact rare coin you purchase was the exact same coin owned by the people living over a hundred years ago. Rare coins are a true piece of American history that were owned by the pioneers that made our county great.

ITM Trading offers expert advise on buying gold coins plus Liberty gold coins.